Here to Look After You
Dr Rizwan Khan Part time
Dr Sanjeet Chana Part time
Dr Ana Gonclaves Part time
Dr Sunil Gupta Part time
Dr Peter Long Part time
Dr Charlotte Rose Part time
Dr Rebecca Turner Part time
Dr Maria Wing Part time
Nurse Prescriber Heather Cannon Part time
Practice Nurse Pauline Doherty Part time
Healthcare Assistant Alison Cluness Full Tme
They each provide a full range of nursing skills and undertake the care of conditions such as: high blood pressure, Asthma, COPD and Diabetes jointly with the Doctor, and provide help and advice on a wide range of medical problems.
Training: Heather Cannon is qualified as a Nurse Mentor for student nurses who are placed at the Surgery from time to time. Patient consent will be requested if a student is present during any consultation.
Receptionists (Part time)
Beverly, Gail, Hayley, Janice and Dani will try to meet all your needs, but they are not medical staff and are not responsible for busy times when the Doctor is running late. They will always try to book appointments to suit the patient, but we regret that this is not always possible.
When they give information, or ask for medical details, their actions are strictly as guided by the Doctor and Practice Manager.
Practice Manager (Full time)
Jill Lewis looks after the day to day administration of the Practice.
Opening times:
Consultations are by appointment only. Visit or phone the Surgery and the Receptionists will be happy to help. Appointments can always be booked in advance and whilst we will always try to accommodate your request, there may be occasions when the clinician you wish to see is not available. We have available each day appointments for the “urgent” matters that cannot wait until a routine appointment is available.
Some appointments can be booked on-line, please see below.
The Surgery is open as follows:
8.00 – 1.00pm 2.00 – 6.30pm
8.00 – 1.00pm 2.00 – 6.30pm
8.00 – 1.00pm 2.00 – 6.30pm
8.00 – 1.00pm
8.00 – 1.00pm 2.00 – 6.30pm
(Telephone is available weekdays 8am – 6.30pm, after 1pm Thursdays this is for medical emergencies only)
We do understand that on rare occasions a patient may not be able to attend an appointment. If you are unable to attend, or no longer need a pre-booked appointment, please contact us in advance so that the appointment can be given to someone else who may need it urgently.
Failing to attend wastes a considerable amount of NHS cost and our time. Persistent offenders will be written to and as a last resort may be asked to find a new GP for continually wasting time and NHS expense.
Out of hours (6.30pm – 8.00am and weekends and Bank Holidays) phone 111
Weekend appointments
As a member of Benfleet Primary Care Network our patients now have access to weekend appointments at either Rushbottom Lane Surgery or The Hollies (Hadleigh)
Appointments must be pre-booked via our Surgery.
Patients are responsible for remembering any pre-booked appointments that have been made. If you are unable to keep an appointment, PLEASE ADVISE US IN ADVANCE. Patients who repeatedly fail to attend may be advised that no further pre-booked appointments will be accepted.
Home Visits
Home visits will only be considered for housebound patients or those immobile and unable to travel.
Except in a REAL emergency, please make your request BEFORE 11.00am. We have a team of Emergency Care Practitioners who carry out all Home Visits.
To Register
Complete Registration paperwork available from Reception or download a GMS1 Form. You will also be asked to complete a questionnaire and need to book a New Patient appointment with the Nurse before the registration process can be fully completed.
Named Accountable GP
Your named accountable GP will be the “usual GP” at the time of registration. This is currently Dr C Volkmar.
Repeat prescriptions
Requests will normally only be considered up to 7 days before the due date, and will usually be given for 28 days medication at a time. Please allow a minimum of 48hours for collection of prescriptions from your chosen Pharmacy. Prescriptions can be ordered via our clinical system, please see below.
Please phone the Surgery after 11.00am in order to obtain results of any test carried out at the Surgery.
Chaperones: We are committed to providing a safe, comfortable environment for all our patients. If you are expecting to undergo an “intimate” examination you are entitled to have a chaperone present. If no one is available at the time of your visit, you may be asked to make another appointment.
Confidentiality: All information held about patients is confidential and will only be shared outside of the NHS with appropriate Patient consent
Disabled Access: Access for disabled visitors is via the main entrance, or via the Pharmacy next door. A lift is installed. Staff will provide any assistance you need.
Portable induction Loop systems are available for the hearing impaired.
Discrimination: All patients have equal access to the services offered by the Practice. We do not discriminate on any grounds – race, gender, social class, age, religion, sexual orientation, appearance, disability or medical condition.
Literature: We have a variety of helpful information and advice leaflets on a number of health related matters. Please ask the Doctor or Nurse if you require further information.
Patient records: It is the Patient’s responsibility to ensure that our records are up to date by telling us promptly of any changes to address or phone number.
Safeguarding: We have a duty of care to all patients, especially children, young people and vulnerable adults, and are committed to act in their best interests at all times.
Staff safety: We DO NOT tolerate violent or abusive language or actions towards staff or premises. Any such person will be asked to leave the premises (with the assistance of the Police if necessary) and may also be removed from the Practice list.
Suggestions or Complaints:
We aim to give a high quality service to our patients. If you wish to suggest additional ways to achieve this, please inform us by addressing your suggestions to the Practice Manager.
We operate a formal “complaints Procedure” but would welcome the opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have, so if you feel dissatisfied with any of the services we offer, please speak with the Practice Manager who as an “Open Door Policy” and welcomes the opportunity to discuss any patient concerns.
Please note that we will not respond to anonymous comments.
Child Health & Immunisations
We recommend full immunisation and regular development checks for all pre-school children.
On-Line services
Patients can now book some Doctors appointments and order regular medications on-line via the NHS App.
Other Staff
As part of Benfleet Primary Care Network (PCN) our patients now have access to other Clinicians, including Clinical Pharmacists, Multi Skeletal Practitioners, Social Prescribers, Health & Wellbeing Coaches and Mental Health Practitioners.
Useful telephone numbers
(Monday to Friday 8.00am – 6.30pm) 01268 753591
Out of Hours (free-call) 111
Mental Health Crisis 111 (option 2)
Basildon Hospital 01268 524900
Southend Hospital 01702 435555
Care Navigation
You may have noticed that we now ask for a brief outline of your problem when you call to make an appointment at the Surgery.. This is a new approach that we call Care Navigation.
Through specialist training, our team can now offer more choice on who to see in the practice and help you get to the right health professional fast. Our receptionists never offer clinical advice or triage; this is about offering you the choice to see other specialists in our practice team if they have the expertise to deal with your problem; often quicker and without the need to see the GP each time.
By working this way, it helps us to free up time for GPs to care for our patients with complex or serious health conditions. More importantly though, it means you are seen by the clinician that is best placed to deal with your problem each time you visit us.
You are able to see Mercy Banning, our Clinical Pharmacist for medication reviews or you can speak to her on the phone if you have a medication query. She is also able to prescribe medication for you.
Nurse Practictioner Heather Cannon is our senior Nurse who is also able to prescribe. She can see you for most problems that you would see a GP for.
Practice Nurse Pauline Doherty sees patients with chronic conditions like Asthma or COPD. She also does all of our baby/child vaccinations and all routine Nurse appointments.
If you require a home visit, you will most likely be visited by an Emergency Care Practitioner in the first instance. We have 3 Emergency Care Practitioners (ECP’s) who are available for home visits each day.
Multi-Skeletal Practitioners can be seen for new injury or pain related to joints i.e. back, hip, foot – appointments can be booked via Reception