Try the NHS App
If you’re a patient at our practice, you can use the NHS App to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.
It doesn’t replace existing services. You can still contact us in the usual ways.
But, once you have verified your identity in the app, you will have easy, 24/7 access to a growing range of health services and information. You can:
order repeat prescriptions
access NHS 111 online
find NHS services
view your health records
book appointments
and much more…
If you have any problems using the NHS App, you can select ‘help’ in the top right-hand corner of the app or visit nhs.uk/helpmeapp.
Online Services
You can order repeat prescriptions and book or cancel some appointments on line via our website. First you must register for this service. Ask at reception for a printout of your ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ and the sheet will direct you to the website where you can now logon to SystmOnline. A brief overview of the services: (You will need to bring some identification with you, and this must be done in person as a password will be issued to you)
SystmOnline makes appointment booking and medication requesting easy - any time. Manage your appointments online.
Booking your next appointment over the internet is easy. And you can do it any time without waiting for surgery phone lines to open. So, whether it’s the middle of the night, your lunch break at work, or even if you’re away on holiday, you can login and secure yourself an appointment within seconds.
Forgotten the time of your next appointment? Login to SystmOnline and see it!
Your appointment no longer needed? Login to SystmOnline and cancel it.
Manage your medication online
If you find it hard to get in to the practice to order your next repeat prescription, SystmOnline could make your life easier. Simply login to SystmOnline and view a list of the medication you have been prescribed. Select the prescription you need and click the ‘Request Medication’ button. All you have to do then is go and collect your prescription as normal two days later.
The SystmOnline service has been developed, tested and accredited by a government body called NHS Connecting for Health. All personal information used by SystmOnline is secure and protected. It is only available to staff at your practice who have the appropriate security controls, i.e. those managing appointments, repeat prescribing and patient registration.
You will not be able to access your complete medical record online. The only health related information you can access from the internet is your repeat prescription list and times of future appointments. Nevertheless we still regard this as confidential information so we want to safeguard you by asking that everyone who registers for SystmOnline brings along some form of identification before we issue your username and password. If you are housebound please write to us or ask someone else to drop in a signed authorisation and we will send your username and password to you by post marked ‘Private and Confidential’.
Ask a Question?
Through the Systmonline website you will be able to send a question to the practice. Please only use this if you are happy for us to answer the question by email – and remember to leave your email address! The question will be passed to the most appropriate person in the practice for a reply but could take up to a week for reply so please only use this for non-urgent queries.